Learning Design Philosophy

As a creator-curator of experiences that impact knowledge structures, behaviors, and habits, my goal is to be intentional about the experiences I create in order to strengthen organizations and empower the individuals that inhabit them. I use graphic images and icons to help accomplish these goals by pairing text content with visuals for quick reads. I also pay close attention to formatting and layout through the size, style, chunking, and spacing of text content. At its core, however, education is a cultural construct, and in order to be effective, designers must respond to the paradigm in place, whether they choose to operate within it or use it as a base for deviation. My approach is rooted in cultural analysis; examining cultural operations and how they define behavior. Learning stimulates change, and change, for better or worse, is disruptive. In order to yield a net positive in this process, cultural considerations must be taken into account. Learning is an inescapable and indispensable aspect of life; people are always learning through how they process and respond to experience. Through the innovative technological tools of the 21st century, these goals are easier than they ever have been, and I feel both empowered and obligated to make an impact on the culture of learning. 

~Adrian Harris