Book of Shapes

The Book of Shapes is an exercise in composition using triangles, rectangles, & circles.

Each arrangement offers new ways for them to interact. New rules are added to arouse even more possibilities.

With each iteration, the process evolves into a more complex system while maintaining the same simple elements.

Click the buttons to see each set. Scroll down to see the rules.

There are always 3 shapes in each quadrant.

One shape is Black.

Another is White.

The third is Grey.

Things change when they overlap.

Sometimes the background is shaded in.

Sometimes the shapes go off the paper.

Sometimes new shapes form when 2 others meet

One shape has a twin

The paper gets wet.

Things get “wavy” sometimes.


The Rules


Each composition must have:

Circle, Triangle, Rectangle

Black, White, Grey

Volume 1

Quadrant: Compositions are localized to quadrants

Sectional Contrast: A space created by shape boundary or shape overlap must have a different value from adjacent spaces

Opacity: Shape overlap may cause a change in value

Volume 2

Background: Negative space may fulfill value requirements

Fill Merger: A space created by shape boundary or shape overlap may have the same or a different value as adjacent spaces

Off Road: Shapes may pass beyond the quadrant & picture plane

Volume 3

Doppelgänger: One Shape may be duplicated. Total 4 shapes per quadrant.

Wet/Dry: Use of wet & dry media/ water solubles

Border- Bender: Shape boundaries may warp or bend. Circles may become ellipses.

Volume 4

Medium: Compositions may exist in any/multiple mediums

Rabbit: Compositions may contain any number or combination of circles/ellipses, rectangles, and triangles

Line: Straight lines may be used in addition to circles/ellipses, rectangles, and triangles